Snippets of wisdom from a brilliant little 10 year old.

Friday, July 31, 2009

On Better Tasting Ideas

Cory: I don't want to taste it, can I put something rubber on my tongue?

On The Effects Of Carrots

Cory: My face turns orange when I eat a carrot. It doesn't come off.

On Reading Speeds, Universal

Jeff: If you wanted to read all of the Heroes comic books, it'd probably take you about a week.

Cory: That'd have to be over 1,169 pages!

On Compass Coordinates, New

Cory: Look! Those clouds are going East, and those clouds are going Weast!

On Musical Similarities

Cory: I love Ozzy! [Nirvana song playing]

On More Knowledge About Crabs

Cory: This crab looks like carrots.

On Food You Never Knew Existed

Cory: Can I have a crab thigh instead?

On Tastes Like Chicken, Sort Of

Cory: Shrimp is like rabbit.

On Secrets of Mental Institutions

Cory: You know why they have those [referring to mental help programs]?

Jeff: Why, Cory?

Cory: So they can enforce laws like gay marriage.

On Repairman Needed

Cory: I broke my pants.

On TV's Lack Of Education

Cory: The color on the TV's messed up, that's a grammical error.

On The Anatomy Of Cats

Cory: Mork's angry. His ears are forward.

On The Secrets Of Air Travel

Cory: 93% of all plane crashes are caused by terrorists.

On Parenting The Liquid Way

Cory: Mom gave me a Code Red once. She was drunk!

On The Exclusivity of Holidays

Tim: Well, everyone has those (referring to various holidays).

Cory: And everyone has Christmas. Except for them Jews.